Jumat, 22 Maret 2019


Here are also several dangerous health issues that may arise from such lifestyle, such cancer or lung fail. Both diseases arise as the result of having an unhealthy lifestyle, where they mostly consume fast food with high cholesterol and oil which is obviously bad for health. Lung fail is resulted in too much cholesterol blocking the blood to flow to the lung, and thus lung suddenly stops working. Lung fail has a high chance to kill the host if it not treated properly. There is also diabetes which is deadly to any human. Diabetes also has a good chance of killing the host, and therefore must be prevented at all cost.

Fortunately, the growth of technology doesn’t always mean bad for you. This is more like a double-edged sword which also brings benefits for your health as well. As one of the examples is the rise of Bolttcoin. This platform will make your exercise way more fun and you can also gain reward by completing the challenges. For further information you can access several sites below:

Introducing Bolttcoin A Healthy Lifestyle With Good Rewards!

Bolttcoin is a unique platform that will make your exercise rewarded. This is actually a good source of motivation to do sporting. What we understand is human need a good source of motivation in to do sports, such the threat of health issue, friends encouragement, and even financial reward. Bolttcoin will motivate the people to do their healthy endeavor by giving them the cryptocurrency namely the bolt token. Like any other token in cryptocurrency, this token is obviously can be traded for real money. in other words, doing some challenge and simple exercise or workout is rewarded by money in the ecosystem of bolt.

Bolttcoin emphasis their company on three pillars, which are the loyalty, gamification, and engagement. The loyalty is when the customer will never look for any other alternative to goods or services except what has been provided by one manufacturer or company. Gamification is simply a pop culture nowadays like giving quest, doing some task which they will be rewarded by a certain item or money in that game, whereas the engagement is a way of the company to actively engage every kind of activity or opinion that is circulating within the realm of customers. The bitcoin is actually superb in achieving those three.

The loyalty is given by a reward. This is the most obvious since it will make more and more customer happy under the treatment of a company. The reward is important since it will respect your customer since they have been using the service of your product in a long time and thus need to b rewarded. The same goes for Bolttcoin where this company will reward more when a certain person has been using their platform for a long time.

As for the gamification, actually, that is the core of Bolttcoin. As we can see, the Bolttcoin are circulated mainly on the challenges, quest, a task that is related to health. The challenges are often trivial such walk for certain meters, to a serious workout, gym-like quest. But as a quest, it certainly comes with rewards, and no other reward expected by any other people except the money. and that is what exactly the bolt coin will give it to you. Even though the money comes in the form of a boltt token, this is exchangeable with real currency.

The engagement is the main support system of the Bolttcoin. The Bolttcoin is filled with experts in fitness and healthy exercise. Our support system is always ready to give any support or advice concerning the behavior to maintain your health, or what kind of exercise that is best suited for you, how long should it take, and etc. you can ask away any question that is related to any health issue for free. It is like having a personal gym mentor, except it is you who are getting paid.


Boltt Coin
Based on blockchain technology, Boltt offers a premium hybrid solution
integrating decentralized ledgers in its centralized platform
bringing large-scale crypto transactions to the level of quality and transparency within
large ecosystem that has never been seen.
1 Income Boltt Tokens based on steps
2 Depositing Boltt Tokens as participating in a challenge
Use of Boltt Tokens for purchasing good items and
Retailers accept Boltt Tokens for sales of goods & services &
love gifts
Health & accept Boltt health professionals to
all services
given in the ecostyle
Receive Boltt Tokens service providers for all sales

Web: https://bolttcoin.io
Whitepaper: https://bolttcoin.io/BolttCoinWhitePaper-V1.0.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/BolttCoin
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bolttsports
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bolttsports


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BOLTT FUNCTIONALITY Here are also several dangerous health issues that may arise from such lifestyle, such cancer or lung fail. B...